Over the past 9 years since I designed the Cosmic Compass Game, I have been asked a thousand times what it is about. I have thought of it, elaborated explanations for it, crafted pitches around it and even developed arguments for it. After many attempts in boxing, categorizing and identifying this tool, I realized that my words could only offer a narrow-minded summary of its purpose and a limited meaning of the true intent, mission and effect of this self-awareness instrument.
So to the question: What is the Cosmic Compass?
Well… Here is simultaneously the most direct, most intriguing and certainly most obscure answer you could get:
It is an experience.
You, then, may ask yourself: What the heck does this mean?
Let me take you within the heart of this enigmatic answer and show you why this is the most perfect answer I could give you.
The “game” is an experiential journey within yourself. It is a trip of a lifetime in an unchartered territory called “YOU”.
What is an experience? is the most proper question you may wish to ask me when you wish to know more about the Cosmic Compass.
What is an experience?
Well… according to the common collective agreement, found in what we all call “The dictionary”, an “experience” is as follow:
The observing, encountering, or undergoing of things generally as they occur in the course of time. Knowledge or practical wisdom gained from what one has observed, encountered, or undergone. and in Philosophy, it is the totality of the cognitions given by perception; all that is perceived, understood, and remembered.
When you say YES to it
- You forever transform your perception
2. You forever revolutionize your mindset
3. You forever alter your reality
Here is why The Cosmic Compass is NOT a game like any other. It is an EXPERIENCE. “It is an Awakening Experience.”