An entrepreneur is a human being with a vision, a will and a way. These 4 aspects, central intelligence of entrepreneurship have reshaped the landscape of the business world and empowered individuals to experience the possibility of owning their life more so that renting it to big corporations that exploit them for their own ends.
Entrepreneurship, being essentially connected to the human spirit, and ultimately linked to the human potential within, requires more than business strategy solutions and financial plans to evolve. Although those are necessary, entrepreneurship also demands constant introspective assessments, regular self-reflections and consistent self-examinations.
For too long, we have disconnected our business and personal lives and made our existence a schizophrenic image of how we felt inside: separated, divided and apart. Entrepreneurship demonstrates that an individual’s life is one united and coherent space where the human being, the visionary, the money-maker, the lover, the friend, the “whatever-wishes-to-be-experienced” is indeed living in the same space-time continuum. For this very reasons, it is more than important to implement a holistic life plan more than sticking to a narrowed and singled business plan.
Intuitive Solutions are programs, curriculums, courses and presentations which purpose is to provide innovative ways to uncover more of the human potential that lies within the mind. The intuitive aspect of this work contributes NOT in building the human mind with new knowledge but more so in peeling away what is held within and is no longer essential to the thriving of the being as a whole, harmonious and creative vessel.
One of the reasons why society has been slow in incorporating these solutions into the forefront of its habits comes from the belief that the more we know, the greater we are, whereas, most of the time, it creates confusion, stress and lack of focus. Intuitive solutions value simplicity, authenticity and ultimate clarity which are experienced through being more and doing less.
Conscious Catalyst is a company that offers conscious transformational experiences for individuals to achieve optimum shift in human potential. Pioneer in New Consciousness Thinking and Perceptions, we designed unique tools and exclusive experiences that allow the mind to reach the dormant part of its genius and awaken more of what it can realize. In Our Joie-de-vivre philosophy, we value Carl Barks’ words: “Work Smarter, Not Harder” and in our own words: “Life is too short to waste it on what is not what we are innately born for”.
So what are you truly born for?
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